Here’s a group of GIFs that described my 2018. Looking back, I had a lot of games being developed with Unity for the first time. I also started the first version of Mysolia way back in January ‘18 (which I’ll be taking another crack at this January). I also had a few pony posts thrown in the mix. And I finally made my cute penguin OC, Aya~! She was the star of 2018 for me <3
Overall, 2018 was a year of learning and practicing. Everything I learned this year will go on to be used in my 2019 projects, including: Mysolia Animated Series (Season 1), Heroine Ascension (in 3D), and continuing in my Japanese language studies.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in 2019! It’ll be a huge year for me, and I appreciate all your support and feedback!
Here's the animated version of this post: